An awareness campaign to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic and encourage people (adults of today and those of tomorrow) to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. Starting from a correct differentiation of waste to a reduction in the use of single-use plastic.
The initiative is carried out by the Oikos institute, a non-profit organization committed in Italy and in the world to the protection of biodiversity and to the dissemination of more sustainable lifestyles: the project is Life Beyond Plastic and the campaign is entitled “2050: Marine Chronicles".
Hence the decision to launch the awareness campaign which aims to protect the sea on the one hand and to "encourage citizens - especially young people - to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic products". And therefore change ways and lifestyles.
All within a plan that looks to 2050 as the deadline to save the sea and fish. In this set of initiatives in which social media alternate with other means of communication there is also a documentary.