New Box for the social.

The commitment to support the community through beneficial interventions continues.

At New Box, we are always close to the community and strive to make our contribution to improve the social fabric of our host territory.


We purchased 350 Easter eggs, which we donated to our employees. The eggs finance the association 'Let's try together for the handicapped' of Camisano Vicentino, which is implementing a project to support handicapped persons and their families through the construction and management of the family home 'Il sogno'.

In 2002, following agreements with the Municipal Administration of Camisano, the Association obtained an old farm on free loan until 2040 and at its own expense and with the help of many volunteers, it restructured part of it, creating an Occupational Day Centre, which opened in 2004 and is currently attended by thirty disabled youngsters followed by thirteen specialised operators.

In 2009, the Association began the renovation of the second part of the farm (barn- barn- barchessa) to create a Family House for ten disabled people, which was completed in September 2015 and opened immediately: it currently permanently accommodates six disabled people and a few others for periods of one week of relief for their families.

We hope that our contribution will help the association and bring moments of serenity and joy to the people who frequent the family home and follow the many activities it carries out.