New Box obtains the prestigious FSSC 22000 V6 Certification

New Box confirms its position at the forefront of the food packaging industry, becoming one of the first companies in the world to achieve FSSC 22000 V6 Certification for food safety and packaging.


FSSC 22000 V6 (Food Safety System Certification) is an international standard recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).


FSSC 22000 integrates and harmonizes food safety management requirements throughout the entire supply chain, from primary producers to packaging.
This certification combines the ISO 22000 standard with sector-specific technical specifications and additional requirements, ensuring the highest levels of safety and quality in the agri-food sector.

Obtaining FSSC 22000 V6 certification represents a significant milestone for New Box, highlighting the company's commitment to excellence and food safety.

The process of achieving and maintaining this certification is complex and requires a considerable investment in terms of resources, time, and organizational changes.

A certification that brings many benefits for us and for you!
  • Continuous improvement.

    The implementation of FSSC 22000 standards drives the company to constantly improve its processes and products.

  • Risk reduction.

    Adhering to the standards significantly reduces the risks of contamination and product recalls, also protecting the reputation of your product.

  • Global compliance.

    The certification facilitates access to international markets, demonstrating compliance with globally recognized food safety standards.

  • Consumer trust.

    It demonstrates the company's commitment to safety and quality, increasing the trust of customers and end consumers.

This achievement underlines New Box's ability to rapidly adapt to industry developments, confirming its position as an innovative company attentive to the needs of consumers and the market.


The fact that New Box has overcome this challenge and obtained certification among the first companies in the world demonstrates our commitment to excellence and our ability to adapt to the growing demands of the market.

This result confirms us as a leader in the food packaging sector, ready to meet the highest expectations in terms of safety and quality.


We are more than a supplier. We are a partner who can actively contribute to the success of your company and your product!